Space-Age Enlightenment
Mission Statement
Have you ever felt a subconscious motivation pushing you to complete something, or otherwise, you are overwhelmed with dread and uncertainty of dire consequences? This could be as simple as worrying about whether to get a vaccination shot or not. You see others around you getting sick, so you become consumed by a subconscious internal battle. Your mind begins scaling these thoughts to the point of overwhelming stress that forces you to make a subconscious decision. This decision is subconsciously forced upon you to relieve your pain, so you get the shot. This is similar to but not as intense as the adrenaline rush of the fight or flight response system caused by the sympathetic nervous system's sudden release of hormones. I became the instrument of such a subconscious push. It continues to push and instruct me despite my compliance down a path that is usually unclear and has no known destination or end. It started while I was attending college at NCSU, where they are well known for engineering, but don't have a planetarium. It all began with a nagging motivation, such as a voice or idea scratching at my brain, and the more I ignored it, the more it would itch. I use the term itch loosely here. It was more like the subconscious push I described earlier but one that felt like a ball-peen hammer smashing my brain every time I ignored the directions of urgency.
Space-Age Enlightenment is my rough draft resolution or rather beginning to a hopeful ending of the smashing disturbance in my brain that gives my subconscious no quarter for rest and no defined clarity for resolve. It is a non-profit organization we founded on the principle of inspiring change and advancement within our education system, promoting space-exploratory and space-habitation studies throughout all levels of education. There are several conceivable ways life on Earth could become extinct, such as disasters caused by man or a duplicate event like what killed the dinosaurs. It is easy to ignore the urgency and not care. People often say, "It won't happen in my lifetime, so why should I worry about it?" Or, they might say, "We have government and space agencies to worry about that." Unfortunately, these are small agencies with their own goals and little funding, and they use that funding for world security, not for advancing space education in all our institutions. It is in our nature to explore and our duty to save humanity. If we knew when an extinction-level event would occur, would I need to be wasting my time warning you about it? Would you act any differently? What I can tell you, and should be enough, is that one day it will occur. No stocked tunnels on Earth will protect you. Likely sooner than later, when such an event does happen, you will suddenly realize how pointless your games, leisure activities, and hoarded riches are.
Harvesting animals and crops for nourishment will be much different in space. It is more likely that we will use some form of synthetic blood or recombination of molecules to provide our protein and nourishment in space. Getting the right amount of nourishment while producing the least amount of waste is a lacking study that we need more focus on for independent survival in space. Unfortunately, like many other things, this deficiency is driven by the insufficiency of easy return on investment required by wealthy elites (having a different type of or no education focus) who control future investments. Furthermore, these elite bureaucrats and capitalists (shielded by a lesser educated class of wealthy players and artists the restricted capital has created) control the population with low-cost maximum return investments, creating a buzzed society that lacks direction, understanding, and interest for little other than their (taste good - feel good - look good) drugged appetites.
If you could live for 200 years by changing to a healthy liquid diet, one you can produce in your own home using a new-age artificial food synthesis device, all the farmers and grocery stores would lose much of their capital-producing business. There would also be a reduction in transportation, fuel, and other related capital-producing income. We already see this with the continued use of fossil fuels. Though we may always need types of synthetic or petroleum-based lubrication products for our machines, if we suddenly switched to vehicles capable of running on a tank of water in a closed-burn situation, turning water into gas back into water again, we would have little to no need for gas stations, fuel refineries, and other related products, similar to using solar panels and small fusion reactors to power homes. Fossil fuels, for gasoline production and sales alone, employ approximately 1.5 million workers in the USA, but that doesn't include all the careers, businesses, and bureaucratic fundraisers created in addition to the production and distribution of fossil fuels. It doesn't include the white-collar businesses and companies funded by, established through, or purchased by the fossil fuel wealth.
Did you ever read, listen to, or watch the movie about the story of Noah? If you have, then you will understand. If we wait, it will be too late. Please, don't give in to the idea that it isn't your job, nor that other people are responsible for it. We are all needed for this duty. We all have abilities we can contribute to this space-age enlightenment. The more we focus our education on surviving in space, the more comfortable living on Earth will become. You will soon realize how quickly we could have built ships and space stations if we had been diligent and willing to share our knowledge, abilities, and resources to save humanity. This lifetime is your only opportunity to serve your God or gods (if you have religious, Wicca, or other Pagan beliefs) or your children and the Human Race before it is too late.
So, where do we start with this evolution of Space-Age Enlightenment? It all begins with you. Just take a few minutes to look up at the endless sea we call space and think about those first pioneers who built ships to find new resources and discover new possibilities. Then, remind yourself that the exponential growth of human life, using and blocking access to more resources, can't be sustained indefinitely nor continue to grow exponentially on this one planet. We must reform our governments and institutions to direct all studies toward survival in space, everything from food production to recycling waste products and equipment. The ideology that creating less produces more income for the few will never survive in this new world. We can't force change on people, but it can be encouraged within our schools and homes. It will take a combination of government controls and the people to put education and change above profit for personal and corporate gain. People must understand and accept the ideology that humanity's survival is more important than what one can achieve and acquire for personal gain in their selfish lifetime. It shouldn't be a strict ideology but rather a direction of focus. I don't want to start an argument here, nor step on toes, but if we all sit in stadiums and watch a few people play for huge salaries every day, what will there be for them to buy with those ridiculous salaries? And what did we accomplish?
Our schools need planetariums and educational systems that provide space-related studies. SAE's goals for these studies benefit life off-world and those living on Earth. These studies will produce profit potential for new companies created through our accomplishments. In addition to earning profit and bettering living conditions on Earth, our goals culminate with the production of a self-sustainable IESS (Intergalactic Earth Space Station) capable of docking hundreds of ships.
One such study could be on hydrogen-powered vehicles and generators through new uses of hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen-fueled combustion engines that can safely power generators until fusion reactors are available on the station. These engines can also produce power for vehicles on Earth without toxic waste from fossil fuels and oversized batteries. The hope is to recycle water from a fuel tank through electrolysis and H - O combustion, extending the efficiency of the fuel. The ability to recycle H2O for fuel could lead to more efficient rocket engines for propulsion after reaching outer space without requiring nuclear shielding. There are many areas of study we can discuss. Please take the time to contribute simply by sending us an email, or if you can, a donation to grow and expand our foundation. SAE-funded institutions will inspire learning that provides opportunities for new businesses, living in outer space, and creating healthier living conditions on Earth.
Completion of the IESS is the ultimate goal for SAE and humanity as a whole. To be self-sustainable and mobile through outer space will be humanity's utmost achievement. It is an achievement I like to call the final phase of Space-Age Enlightenment, the genesis of "Humanity's Ark."
The Message
The message I would like to share with you gives us directions on how to get started building "Humanity's Ark." An arduous task like this one can't be completed alone. Unlike the wooden ship in Noah's story, this era of space-age enlightenment requires everyone's involvement. One person or agency alone will never get the job done in time.
During phase one, we should begin adding planetariums to all levels of the education system. The least expensive planetariums can be converted from classrooms or built separately at elementary schools, providing an introductory knowledge of star systems. Keeping private industry adjoined to college institutions, we will spare no expense. These planetariums will have all the basic astronomy features of standard planetariums, but they will also have unique star projectors that allow 3D CAD projections. These 3D CAD projections will come from the engineering stations in the adjoining research rooms. These projects can be enlarged to room size within the planetariums, giving them a more lifelike representable view.
In the next phase, we need to train educators, develop educational programs, and train software engineers who can work with our mechanical and electrical engineers to develop and update 3D CAD programs specific to our engineers' needs. Since our initial source of funds will come from donations, loans, students, and visitors, our next goal should be to place the most effective representation possible in government to appropriate funds for our mission. We will have to discuss, without complete government funding, ways to sell some of our engineers' designs to private industry. Another option would be to form mutualistic relationships with existing companies that have excellent international reputations, such as Microsoft. Microsoft, for example, could provide mixed-reality headsets for our holographic 3D CAD engineering stations. In return, our software engineers would be able to provide usage details, upgrade requests, and other discovered software and hardware enhancements. This mutualistic partnership will lead to quicker developments in technology such as interaction with 3D holographic images without the need for headsets. We will be able to make use of this new technology in our engineering stations and planetariums, and Microsoft will be able to benefit from future sales which they can reinvest back into their company.
We don't want to lose our engineers, so we should work on providing family housing near the research institutions. We should also provide a way for them to earn extra spending cash for things not provided by the institution. We want them to remain focused on their research, so we should develop incentives and free variety meal plans at the institution. We can send out welcome letters with meal plan requests. Having professional chefs able to train students for elective credits and free meals is better than using minimum-wage food companies supplying a fast-food diet plan. With professional cooks supplying requested meal plans, we can keep our professional-level engineers safe at the institution, rather than forcing them to rush in traffic just to get a meal they like.
In the final phase, planning expansion, will we all go in our own direction, or will we need each other more than we ever have before? We will no longer have the terrors of Earth: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, drought, tornados, volcanos, landslides, avalanches, rockslides, automobile accidents (an average of 3,287 deaths per day), hailstorms, lightning, insects (insects destroy 40 percent of the world’s crop every year and mosquitoes are considered the deadliest insects in the world, killing more than 700,000 people every year while accounting for 17% of infectious diseases), etc., etc., etc. Though there are a few major complications to overcome when colonizing space, once we have the knowledge and tech to overcome them, we will have a much higher survival rate than we do on Earth. At that point, landing on planets to obtain and build new material will be more dangerous than living in space, unless we have enough well-trained droids to do that for us. When we can colonize space, travel to other planets, and safely obtain supplies for continued expansion, we will have completed the final stage, "Humanity's Ark." It is at this point that we will have no Earthbound limits and can finally "be fruitful and multiply." Limited only by our labor and wisdom, we can borrow what we need from our endowment of infinite supply.
Be part of the future, not a barrier. Join Space-Age Enlightenment, and help us build Humanity's Ark.